If your desired location is full, register for the waitlist here.


Marriage Retreat Highlights!



When does registration open?

Every year online registration opens March 1st at

Can I mail in my registration form and fee?

No. All registration forms and payments are submitted online.

It’s our first retreat. Do we qualify for a discount?

First-time attendees use the code “ROOKIES” to receive $50 off their registration fee.

What if the retreat we want is full?

You may register for a different retreat OR register for the waitlist.


If I registered for one retreat, can I also register on a waitlist for another?

No. That is unfair to other couples on the waitlist. You can only register for one retreat. You cannot register for a retreat and also be on a waitlist for a different weekend.


We are engaged, can we still register?

You are welcome to attend as long as you are MARRIED BEFORE your retreat weekend.

What if someone else has offered to pay our registration fee?

If you have a sponsor you will use the code “SPONSOR25” when registering.

How does a sponsor submit payment?

A Sponsor can pay online through our donation page (

In the “comments” section, have your sponsor include the “couple(s) names and retreat fee amount.” Your sponsor can also contact the office for additional payment options.

Will I get a retreat confirmation?

A confirmation email is sent immediately after you complete registration and payment. A DocuSign contract is sent via email within 5-10 business days. It must be completed and signed by both husband and wife.

(We must have BOTH husband and wife’s email addresses entered CORRECTLY at registration)

What is a DocuSign contract?

A DocuSign contract is a legal agreement with Coaches Outreach confirming you will abide by the following; our cancellation policies, the Biblical definition of marriage, and the release/waiver of liability.

(If Coaches Outreach has not received your SIGNED DocuSign two weeks before your retreat you are in jeopardy of forfeiting your spot to another couple on the waitlist.)


Can we cancel?

Yes. Details for cancellation are included in your DocuSign contract.

If we need to cancel, can we get a full refund?

If you cancel before May 15, 2025, you will receive a full refund.

(There will be NO REFUNDS AFTER May 15, 2025)

Can I offer my retreat reservation to another couple?

NO. The ONLY exception is IF there are no other couples on the waitlist at the time of your cancellation. You must contact to inquire.



  • Our waitlist falls in numerical order of when we receive your registration. If you want to know the status of your waitlist number, you may contact the office.
  • If you are on a waitlist and no longer able to attend, PLEASE notify the office as soon as possible to allow the other couples on the list to move up.
  • If you have successfully registered for a retreat and also signed up on the waitlist for another retreat weekend, you will be automatically removed from that waitlist.


What does the registration fee cover?

The registration fee is "all-inclusive". It covers your hotel room and all meals for the weekend.

When do we arrive on Friday?

Check-in begins at 4 PM and our program begins at 5 PM.

What if we arrive late?

Late arrivals contact Coaches Outreach staff at 214-654-0042 and email

Can we only come for one night?

No. Our retreats are designed for a full weekend and that is the expectation.

What time will we be done on Sunday?

We will conclude by noon. Please plan all travel and childcare with this in mind.

Can I bring my nursing baby?

Per our policy, no children are allowed.

What do I wear?

Attire is comfortable and casual.

When will we receive details about the weekend?

An agenda with the weekend details will be emailed 2 weeks before your retreat.